Lothar Hempel, installation view, 2011, via Anton Kern Gallery
Lothar Hempel
Anton Kern Gallery
Neither when David Noonan does it, nor when Hempel does it.
The blown-up/ cut–out/ mounted figure doesn’t stand up.
Words like *style* & *fashion* and phrases like *good shopping* (but no sentences).
Sterling Ruby & Lucio Fontana, installation view, via Andrea Rosen Gallery
Sterling Ruby & Lucio Fontana
Andrea Rosen Gallery
Value not in weight, but in soreness.
So much touching, they made them with their hands.
Inside the ashtray/firepit/voodoo pillow, shards of other sculpture
from Pompeii or yesterday, continue to smolder
(and some are editions, while others are not).
Olaf Breuning, installation view, via Metro Pictures
Olaf Breuning
Metro Pictures
Just in time for Halloween!
An honest equation: art as guessing game, press release as answer sheet.
(But!) K8 Hardy already did the heavy lifting, wearing a t–shirt and jeans.
Roy Lichtenstein, Entablature VII (study), 1975, via Paula Cooper Gallery
Roy Lichtenstein
Paula Cooper Gallery
Freeze: Frieze.
You must see this exhibition.
Extended through November 12th at 534 W. 21st St.
Matthew Barney, Secret Name, 2008/2011, via Gladstone Gallery
Mathew Barney
Gladstone Gallery
An object’s weight is its primary virtue?
The casting of one material into another?
What’s new is we’re supposed to forget Serra?
Haim Steinbach, installation view, via Tanya Bonakdar
Haim Steinbach
Tanya Bonakdar
The frame is freedom, mascara to the blink.
Non–imperative, negative instruction, reverse psychology,
with walls to interrupt your walking and shelves to interrupt your collection.
In the upper left hand corner is a pile of gallery.
Richard Aldrich, installation view, via Bortolami Gallery
Richard Aldrich
Bortolami Gallery
A text on painting
Text on painting
Ext on painting
Raoul De Keyser, Acrobats, 2010, via David Zwirner
Raoul De Keyser
David Zwirner
Freedom isn’t free.
Blood on the tracks.
Paint handled like lipstick on lips you want to kiss.
Ida Ekblad, Untitled, 2011, via Greene Naftali
Ida is Ida is Ida (to quote Gertrude Stein.)
Paint the wings of a dodo bird– I’m pleased to stay grounded.
Concrete poems, make up mosaic, make up blanket, make up night.